Lecture 1: Introduction HTML PDF
Lectures 2/3: Summarizing, Visualizing and Tidying Data HTML PDF
Lecture 4: Simple Linear Regression HTML PDF
Lecture 5: Introduction to Causality HTML PDF
Lecture 6: Multiple Linear Regression HTML PDF
Lecture 8: Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing HTML PDF
Lecture 9: Regression Inference HTML PDF
Lecture 10: Differences-in-Differences HTML PDF
Lecture 11: Regression Discontinuity HTML PDF
Lecture 12: Recap (coming soon!)
The suggested reading list is here.
You can copy and adapt this material for your purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit and share the work yourself under same terms. Of course you can use the slides to teach in your classrooms. The material in these slides is derived from “Introduction to Econometrics with R” by Florian Oswald, Jean-Marc Robin and Vincent Viers (2018), which can be found at github repository.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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